
Dates (from - to)
1974 - 1977

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physical Chemistry

Bl. 11, Acad. G.Bontchev St., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

Principal subjects/ occupational skills covered
PhD in Chemistry (Candidate in Chemical Scienses)
Title of qualification awarded
PhD:Theses "Structural and Electrochemical Investigations of Phosphorous Containing Copper Anodes for Bright Acid Copper Electroplating", A experimental study directed to slime-less copper anodes production
Dates (from - to)
1967 - 1972
Name and type of organisation providing education and training
St. Kliment Ochridski Sofia University, Faculty of Chemistry, Scientific and Industrial Department
Principal subjects/ occupational skills covered
M.S. in Chemistry (inorganic profile)
Title of qualification awarded
Title of Graduation Theses "Nucleation and Growth Initial Stages of Mercury Droplets on Polycrystalline Platinum Electrodes", A experimental study on kinetics and Mechanism of the new phase formation using three-pulse Potentiostatic Method, developed in Institute of Physical Chemistry- BAS
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